Along the 11 Frisian cities.
By Motormeisje on July 9, 2006 at 20:51.

When the forum-tour was announced on june 24 of all days, there was quite some comment. Why at the same time as the Dutch TT. Well that way, there was something to do for every biker, isn't it? So another date was picked and that would be July 9. The tour would lead us along the 11 Frisian cities.


Where to get this idea.
I got a personal mail via the forum, if one could still registre for the official Elfstedentocht, just before Pinkster. No, that was not possible. Registration had closed weeks before. Then the idea grew to ride this tour with biker-forum-members on an other occasion.
Via, the mailbox, via msn and personal contact, I reached the amount of 8 participants, including my husband and myself. We did not get round to drive the tour our selves, but I did have an itinerary. There were some cancelations and ultimatly we ended up riding the "tour of tours" with only the 4 of us.

We can ride on very nicely.
Because the Tour-de-France and the World-championchip of Football play an important part in many a housekeeping these days, there is not a lot of traffic. After a week with tropical temperatures, it is pleasant to ride the bike today. Nice and cool and a pleasant breeze. Our first stop is planned in Sloten, just past the bridge. Here we stop for a coffee-break. On the stamp-place in Workum, we stop for another break. Henks can fuel up and I can get jack-up my nicotine-level again. Then we move on to Harlingen. It really is time to go for some lunch and so we leave the route and go into the harbour to "score some fish". After a pleasant break we pick up the route again and drive on, by the nice twisty roads of the frisian countryside.

The group divides itself.
Henks had already mentioned that from Dokkum on, he would find himself a way to go home. Didn't feel the need to drive all the way back to Leeuwarden. Panrider Roelof thought he knew these roads already and stopped the tour here as well. Together with Jelle I finished the tour, but with a stop at Bartlehiem. When you drive the tour, you need to have been there, so we had a picture taken right on the spot. After that we proceeded the tour by the nice B-roads and a short stretch of motorway towards Leeuwarden. Jelle accompanied me untill our roads split at Quatrebras. He moved on to visit a realtive and I went home.

Betty Smit.
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