Play hooky for an hour.

Early on sundaymorning the sun is already out and while drinking my coffee I sense the "itch". Mother in law is coming over for coffee, because it is our son Hendrik his birthday. While a second pot of coffee is made our oldest son arrives with his brother and girlfriend. As soon as they come in, I tell them that I will be out for an hour in the afternoon on the bike. They know me. When I would miss this chance, I wouldn't be good company.


Playing hooky for a moment.
Around one-thirty I first go and score some fuel, because my daycounter is already over 300 kms and it won't be long before I have to turn it on reserve. For today a tour around the Burgumerlake is planned. At Quatrebras I turn left towards Noardburgum. At the Kooiweg I turn into the direction of Jistrum. The clinkers in the villageroad should be redone I notice. I pass the bridge of Skûlenboarch. Betweeen Heechsân and Eastermar I drive slowly in order not to bounce of the bike, because of the "playful" structure of the clinkers here. Then The low sun is hiding for a moment behind a dark grey clowd far away, but soon accompanies me again on my trip. At Eastermar I reach the tarmac again and turn into the direction of Sumar. This road has a few very nice curves and while there is no other traffic, I really let myself go. At the trafficlights I turn right towards Burgum.

Straying off.
It is far too beautiful to go home already. So at the second trafficlights I turn left towards Suwâld. Just before Suwâld I turn right towards Tytsjerk. Near the exit to the Lytse Geast I meet a BMW-biker and we greet each other. It seems to be the only biker on my trip today that I meet. I still don't feel to go homeward and at the old E10 I turn into the direction of Leeuwarden. Near the Otterpark (Aqua-Zoo nowadays) I turn on my indicator in order to drive by the secundary road. Just before Leeuwarden there is a beautiful mill in the middle of the meadows. Every time I pass by and see that mill standing there in the sunshine I always regret not having the camera with me. Now I can kill two birds with one stone, because almost in front of the mill, there is the finish for the Elfstedentocht on skates, along the Bonkefeart. So that is where I stop. I enjoy the landscape for a moment. The first houses have already been built here in the Bullenpolder. Soon it will be filled with houses. So this is my chance to make a few pictures.

Change of plans.
I meant to follow the secundary road, go by the back of the servicestation and then turn into the Canadezenlaan and at the roundabout, turn to Lekkum. But the Canadezenlaan is out and the road in front of the flat is a cul de sac as well. I had planned to drive by the Canterlandse weg and the Elfstedenbridge in order to go home. Now I will have to drive back to the trafficlights and then turn right into the direction of the city again. I don't feel like that anymore, so I turn left and go home. Near Quatrebras I see that it is only 4 degrees. I had not noticed that it was that cold. Totally boosted up I arrive home, even though it was only a trip of 50 kms. I put the bike into the garage and cover her with an old fitted sheet. The guests are still there and the party goes on where I left off. After dinner I see the straw-car passing by, trying to prevent slippery roads.

Betty Smit.
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