Being in L...

Since I started riding the bike myself, now nearly 6 years ago, I've noticed that from time to time I come across the weirdest things. Like last year, when I missed the ferry, I ended up with new bikerfriends. Well these friends had invited both me and my grandson Mischa, to celbrate X-mas and the New Year with them. So Mischa and I left on December 19, not only for Mischa his first flight, but also for his first visit abroad.


Mischa was born 10 days early, otherwise he would have been a Millenium-baby. So he celebrated his 7th birthday in England, with a true "clarty-arty-party". The table full of delicacies, cakes and sweets in stead of the regular dinner. For his birthday he had chosen for a "Superman-outfit". Unfortionatly it seemed to be broken. So the very next day we went back to the store, where we got us a refund. In a shop further down, we knew there was a real Captain Jack outfit, which would please him even more.

The surprise...
So we continued strolling through Metroland, an enormous shoppingmall in Newcastle upon Tyne. In the middle of the mall a stand of OCC had appeared. You know the wellknown chopperbuilders from the Discovery-channel. There were even 2 choppers present, to be admired. By bitter experience I never leave the house anymore without my digital camera nowadays. So I've made quite a few pictures of the bikes present. When you get such a chance, grab it with both hands. Since Mischa often watches the program with the chopper-builders at our house, he knew exactly what kind of bikes these were. The large posters with the Teutels on it were very present as well.

I have taken the opportunity to buy myself a souvenir. A bright red T-shirt with both front and back showing the OCC-logo. I'll probably wear it on a forumtour someday. On boxingday we were back at the Metro-centre. The OCC-stand had gone, as if it had never been there. That was a stroke of luck, that we had come to return the birthdaygift. That's what I mean, when I say that I come across the weirdest things. Or should I see it as...being in luck.

Betty Smit.
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