A fiasco.

Friday-evening there was the annual acquaintance-meeting at the FMC. That evening is meant to bring new members and regular members together. When the faces are somewhat familiar, the threshold is lower to participate on a biketour. At the same time it is the start of the bike-season, as on the following sunday the first afternoontour takes place...


Jan is always leading the first tour. He gave the name to the tour: Janboerenfluitjesrit. (meaning: in a slaphappy way). Usually after the winter-stop the members appear in great numbers to participate. The past couple of years there were at least 50 bikes to participate. With the forcast of 15 degrees, you can see it coming of course. The members rallied solidly to the place to start behind the FEC in Leeuwarden. Also this year we exceed the 50 according to me.

Lots of traffic...
Riding with a large group like that asks for the neccessary dicipline of the leader, because at the first traffic-light the groups is devided into three. By adjusting the speed the rear section can catch up again. Docile we pass the villages of Marssum, Beetgumermolen and Oude Leije. It is quite windy on the bare Frisian clay and there is a cold wind. Now and then we pass a meadow where we really can count sheep. At the coast it is only 11 degrees as we have a nicotinebreak at Lauwersoog, in the harbour. Time to make a picture of the entire group.

Then there is the problem to get back on the road again. Because of the nice weather there is a lot of traffic. Jan chooses a moment to get on the road again, with a big gap, so most of the group can join him. The rest of the group needs quite some time to get on the road again, including me. At the first turn, no biker waiting, so we drive on. The second turn either. None of the turns there is a biker waiting. Strange, must have been someone who didn't know the rules, because every participant looks in the mirror right before a turn to see if the biker behind him/her is still there. If not, you wait around the corner on a safe spot and wait for the rest of the group.

Pity but alas...
Riding along the A-road for miles on end, that is not Jan his way of leading. He knows this corner of Friesland/Groningen by heart. Something must be wrong. On a safe spot we confer. One of the riders has heard something about Aduard, so that's where we're heading. While riding along, I see a meadow with cows. They will probably spend the night in the stable I guess. Passing Rode Haan and Den Ham we eventually arrive in Aduard. No sign of the other members and we decide to move on towards Leeuwarden. In Noordhorn I take a turn on my own to drive home. I pass Gaarkeuken, Eibersburen, Gerkesklooster/Stroobos and Twijzel on my way. Pity, just talking over the tour afterwards would have added to the pleasure. Next time better. Good that I took that picture of the entire group on Lauwersoog.

Betty Smit.
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